Europe French President Calls Fro Stronger Eu Defence

Europe: French President calls fro stronger EU defence

Europe faces rising illiberalism and return of war, warns Macron

France to deploy army to New Caledonia after riots

French President Emmanuel Macron has called for stronger and more integrated European defences, warning that the EU faces a "mortal threat" from economic decline, rising illiberalism and the return of war.

In a speech at the Sorbonne University in Paris, Macron said that Europe must "rearm" itself to face these challenges, and that it should no longer rely on the United States for its security.

"We can no longer afford to be dependent on others for our security," Macron said. "We must take our destiny into our own hands."

Macron's comments come at a time of heightened tensions between Europe and Russia, and as the EU struggles to deal with the rise of populist and nationalist movements.

The French president's call for a stronger EU defence is likely to be welcomed by some member states, but it is also likely to face resistance from others, particularly those who are wary of increasing military spending.

In related news, France has announced that it will deploy troops to New Caledonia, a French territory in the Pacific, after at least four people were killed in riots there.

The violence erupted after the French government announced that it would postpone a referendum on independence for New Caledonia, which is scheduled to take place in 2018.

The French government has said that the troops will be deployed to restore order and to protect French citizens in New Caledonia.

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